Thursday, January 19, 2012

Belated Beginnings Due to Bereavement

Let me start by saying this is not the subject matter that I had envisioned the first post of this blog. For those of you who are taking part in the Pagan Blog Project, please know this is not my first post for the first of our two weeks focusing on "Things that Begin with the Letter 'B'"...

Last summer, I had the privilege of conversing with Caitlín Matthews through a series of written correspondence. In great part, due to her encouragement, I created this blog to begin sharing prayers to Goddess, as well as other thoughts and ideas imparted by the Wise Women that I have been blessed to know. To my great distress, within days of creating this blog, my mother fell gravely ill. Mum Crossed Over after a two month long arduous battle. I spent those two months by her bedside, singing to her, talking to her, praying over her, giving her reiki... Upon her death, I simply had no reserve with which to begin sharing the thoughts I wished to convey through this blog.

Now, on the cusp of Imbolc and having grieved for a goodly period of time, I find I am ready to begin. The Pagan Blog Project came at a most auspicious time, though I beg your forbearance in my tardy beginning.

Tomorrow is the first post of our thoughts and musings on all things Pagan with the letter 'B'. And so it is, without fail, I shall post - and, with a bit of winter-weather luck (ie. being snowed in), I'll even get those two back-posts done for the letter 'A'!

So then. I begin.

~ Rowan Galahadria MistWalker


  1. My condolences on your loss of your Mum.

    Don't worry about starting late, I'm sure we'll continue to see people jumping in when we're at L. Then you'll look back and go "Hey I was barely tardy!"

    I look forward to seeing your B post tomorrow. :)

  2. My mom and I just lost a very close family friend of 25 years this past Saturday, after a 6+ week battle with pneumonia (and COPD). My condolences to you... I know how hard it is to lose a loved one.

  3. My condolences for your loss, my thoughts are with you & yours.

    I was late starting, too, no one seems to mind, make up your posts when you can & move forward! Welcome to the project :)
